Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startups News and Updates

Looking for Investors for Your Startup?

Top 5 Key-Questions Venture Capital Firms Will Ask You Many entrepreneurs look to secure venture capital in order to grow their business. As tempting and easy as it may sound, this path is not a walk in the park. Unless you are well informed and prepared. Figures shown in a Harvard Business Review study show that in US only 1% of startups are financed by venture capital. So, why does that happen? Because it is not enough to have a smart idea, a few sales and be passionate about it. A strong business plan is needed, commitment and good knowledge […]

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Venture Capital Funded Startup Deliveroo Exits German Market

Today, 12 August, UK food delivery app Deliveroo announced to pull out from Germany on 16 August. It currently collaborates with 2000 restaurants and more than 1100 self – employed delivery riders, havin 100 employees in the country. The venture capital funded Deliveroo entered the German market four years ago facing fierce competition such as the Dutch The London-based company did not state a specific reason for its withdrawal, although it is specified they do not rule out coming back to Germany in the future. For the time being, their efforts focus to grow operations in other markets, in […]

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Why Cyber Security is Important for Small Businesses?

Table of Contents Your Data Silos Grow with Your Company The Past Coming Back to Haunt Unaware of the Legal Repercussions Any Website is a Potential Target Protection from Hacking Hacking has always been a cause of concern for business owners, and the fact that even large organizations and government databases have been targeted is a testament to the importance of cyber security. When a large firm that has millions of customers and tons of data is hit by a cyber attack, it graces the front pages of newspapers and gets exclusive TV coverage. These large companies are the ones […]

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Tech Bubble: Austin Has Bigger Start-Up Funding but Lesser Deals than Silicon Valley

Table of Contents More to It than Meets the Eye Dried Up Funding Why Silicone Valley is Home to Venture Deals When one thinks of Austin the picture that comes up in our eye is of a place that has thousands of growing saplings, an immature forest with a select few trees of live oak, and most of just enough water to see it fall short of the Amazon. The description above is how Austin is in reality today. The media has kept an unflinching eye on the place’s affair romanticizing about its thriving tech scene, a free living low […]

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How to Prepare Yourself before Approaching an Investor

Table of Contents Do some Research About Them Clean Up Your Credit Prepare a Business Plan with Creditable Metrics Personalize the Wishlist Stitch in Time to Save Nine The lifeblood of any business i.e. money requires effective management to keep up the flow of input and output. But you might need external resourcing or infusion at some stage of your business. The amount may be as small as $1000 that you may borrow from a friend or $1 million to be borrowed from a commercial bank. Sometimes, you only need money for a project and not for your business. In […]

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