Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startups News and Updates

Successful VC-backed Startups in 2019

If you are an entrepreneur looking for venture capital investment you want to be up to date with the top startups that raised billions of dollars from venture capital firms. See what investors are ready to bet on and invest large amounts of money in. Here are top 5 startups  that raised capital from VC  funds, ready to boom in 2019. Chainalysis Activity: Develops software for cryptocurrency investigation, preventing money laundering, fraud and ensuring compliance with regulations. Founded in 2014, the venture capital funded startup is well known for helping with investigations on Mt. Gox bankruptcy case. Category: Software, Cryptocurrency, […]

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Why Cyber Security is Important for Small Businesses?

Table of Contents Your Data Silos Grow with Your Company The Past Coming Back to Haunt Unaware of the Legal Repercussions Any Website is a Potential Target Protection from Hacking Hacking has always been a cause of concern for business owners, and the fact that even large organizations and government databases have been targeted is a testament to the importance of cyber security. When a large firm that has millions of customers and tons of data is hit by a cyber attack, it graces the front pages of newspapers and gets exclusive TV coverage. These large companies are the ones […]

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These 9 Elements Will Determine if Your Small Business Start-Up is Another Vanilla Business in the Market

Table of Contents 1.    If You Can Explain Your Business’s Innovation is different from Other Businesses 2.    If You Can Do Something Different From the Competition 3.    If Your Business Gives More Value to Customers than its Competitors 4.    If Your Business Offers a Single Unique Quality which Your Customers Can Associate with 5.    If Your Business Offers a Unique Solution to a Common Problem 6.    If You Offer Competitive prices 7.    If You Can Provide the Product or Service Faster Than Other Competitors 8.    If You Care For Your Customers Better than Your Competitors 9.    If Your Business has […]

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The Angels and Evils of Small Business in Modern World

Table of Contents A Vital Component Angels Devils Businesses that rule the roost today were once small businesses. The importance of small businesses has never been felt as much as today where there is growing amount of job scarcity and the best way to earn a livelihood is to self-employ yourself for a small business venture. Most businesses which are ruling over their respective industries today as market leaders were originally started as one-person business ideas or in some cases an idea by a group of friends or colleagues. The creation of a business is an important step for people […]

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Tech Bubble: Austin Has Bigger Start-Up Funding but Lesser Deals than Silicon Valley

Table of Contents More to It than Meets the Eye Dried Up Funding Why Silicone Valley is Home to Venture Deals When one thinks of Austin the picture that comes up in our eye is of a place that has thousands of growing saplings, an immature forest with a select few trees of live oak, and most of just enough water to see it fall short of the Amazon. The description above is how Austin is in reality today. The media has kept an unflinching eye on the place’s affair romanticizing about its thriving tech scene, a free living low […]

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