Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startups News and Updates

Angel Investor vs Venture Capital

Choose the Best Funding Partner for You We talked about putting you ideas into practice in an efficient manner here and what to expect when you found a start up company here. After you create a strong business plan, your next step is to find financing to get your company off the ground. So, how do you choose your funding partner? Look at the figures VC spending in 2019 is very likely to break all records with $62 billion invested by the middle of the year. On the other hand, angel investment has its own meaningful share of more than […]

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The Angels and Evils of Small Business in Modern World

Table of Contents A Vital Component Angels Devils Businesses that rule the roost today were once small businesses. The importance of small businesses has never been felt as much as today where there is growing amount of job scarcity and the best way to earn a livelihood is to self-employ yourself for a small business venture. Most businesses which are ruling over their respective industries today as market leaders were originally started as one-person business ideas or in some cases an idea by a group of friends or colleagues. The creation of a business is an important step for people […]

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Qualities that Make Startup Business Profiles Appealing for Angel Investors

Table of Contents Professional but not Personal Relation Solid Valuation Plan of Action Exit Strategy Final Verdict Angel investing is attracting the attention of startup entrepreneurs. The perks offered by angel investing include securer funding options and flexible return options. Entrepreneurs need to understand the techniques of approaching angel investors if they want to get their targeted investments. There are different qualities that angel investors want to see in entrepreneurs. They want the entrepreneurs to be straight shooters who mention calculated risks instead of boasting about business success one week and declaring bankruptcy the next. They also want real numbers […]

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How to Prepare Yourself before Approaching an Investor

Table of Contents Do some Research About Them Clean Up Your Credit Prepare a Business Plan with Creditable Metrics Personalize the Wishlist Stitch in Time to Save Nine The lifeblood of any business i.e. money requires effective management to keep up the flow of input and output. But you might need external resourcing or infusion at some stage of your business. The amount may be as small as $1000 that you may borrow from a friend or $1 million to be borrowed from a commercial bank. Sometimes, you only need money for a project and not for your business. In […]

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How Angel Investors Are All Set to Take Wing From the Masses?

Table of Contents What’s Different in Regulation A+? New Rules for Open Access to Equity Crowdfunding How Powerful is Regulation A+? Investment Records in the Fourth Week of October Startup funding and investing in startup businesses in not restricted to commercial and institutional investors only. 2015 has seen revolutionary developments in angel investing by bringing in more middle-class investors to the market. Major developments happened after July 2015 when Regulation A+ came into effect. Under Regulation A+, the companies can now raise up to $50 million using a mini-IPO. Mini-IPO is different from traditional IPO in a way that it […]

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