Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startups News and Updates

New Start-Up Company Batch Raises $5 Million from Founder JD Maresco and Co-led Investors

QR Codes will come to the forefront of the retail market with help from JD Maresco becoming the founder and the first official investor of Batch. Batch intends to be a retailer or companies main go to by helping a buyer to see information in one place; while the company can take the information and be able to place it within a QR code. It does have to be noted that as of right now reliant on Apple’s App Clip technology according to the press release that was announced on June 23, 2021. Because JD Maresco has been in charge […]

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$3.5 Million is Targeted by New Early-Stage VC Firm “The Fund” to Help with Seed Money for New Business Startups Launching in Australia

While the latest venture for The Fund is not new, it is new to Australia. The Fund found out that Australia is in the lead for early-stage startups and in need of series A and B seed funding. How does The Fund determine their newest contenders? Well, The Fund will open up a new office where a certain place is in need because there are so many new businesses that have started and have shown incredible promise to take off and become a part of the everyday local startup ecosystem. Their latest press release was on June 15th, 2021. Co-founding […]

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$52,525,252 Raised for Trucks Venture Capital Over the Last Year with General Partner Reilly Brennan Sharing the Latest Update to Help Finance Projects Involving Transportation Start-ups

2015 was a big year for Trucks Venture Capital because that’s when the officially started operations as a venture capital firm. Oddly enough not many people have heard of what Trucks vc firm does for transportation in San Francisco, California. Actually, Trucks Venture Capital is located in the Bay Area of San Franciso, California. But what is the big news from Trucks vc? It’s the fact that over the last year $52,525,252 has been raised in funds a while for their new core fund called Trucks Venture Fund 2. The Trucks Growth Fund is hoping to provide much needed funding […]

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The Desana Company is one of the investors who has backed up Scotland’s Start-up Avenue, investors Michael Cockburn, Steve Jeans, and Ro Ramtohul

What is the company Desana? Technically Desana was founded in 2016 but has continued to shed light on other start-up companies (even though Desana is still a start-up company themselves) by becoming investors for Edinburgh’s newest vc firm start-ups. While still registered as a private company, they have raised $550,000 euro’s back in 2019 just with one seed round from Techstart Ventures. Techstart Ventures continues to be the only backing investor. The company is also for profit.  But what does Desana as a company provide? Here is the company’s motto from their website: “On-demand workspace for your people. Anywhere. Enable […]

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