Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startups News and Updates

Types of Venture Capital Funding – Which One is Right for You?

First, a short definition of venture capital is needed. Venture Capital is money invested by a funding partner to a new, growing or troubled business. The decision to invest is taken knowing the risks involved, but also the potential future profits. There are several types of venture capital, classified based on the stage of the business seeking for investment. The three main types of working capital are early-stage funding, growth funding, and acquisition/buyout funding. After six stages of financing being completed, one can consider the venture capital funding procedure is completed. These stages are: Seed Money If you do not […]

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Successful VC-backed Startups in 2019

If you are an entrepreneur looking for venture capital investment you want to be up to date with the top startups that raised billions of dollars from venture capital firms. See what investors are ready to bet on and invest large amounts of money in. Here are top 5 startups  that raised capital from VC  funds, ready to boom in 2019. Chainalysis Activity: Develops software for cryptocurrency investigation, preventing money laundering, fraud and ensuring compliance with regulations. Founded in 2014, the venture capital funded startup is well known for helping with investigations on Mt. Gox bankruptcy case. Category: Software, Cryptocurrency, […]

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Looking for Investors for Your Startup?

Top 5 Key-Questions Venture Capital Firms Will Ask You Many entrepreneurs look to secure venture capital in order to grow their business. As tempting and easy as it may sound, this path is not a walk in the park. Unless you are well informed and prepared. Figures shown in a Harvard Business Review study show that in US only 1% of startups are financed by venture capital. So, why does that happen? Because it is not enough to have a smart idea, a few sales and be passionate about it. A strong business plan is needed, commitment and good knowledge […]

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