9 Tips to Customize Your Online Shop and Boost Mobile User Sales

Since 2010, the use of media tablets and smart phones has increased from 300 to 1100 on 1200 scale of millions of units. Today, in the US 20.7% of users rely on smartphones whereas the trends in desktop users show a slow pace of increment leading to 12.2% users.

Let’s talk about the users of different screen shapes. Although the number of horizontal screen users is more than vertical screen users today, yet smart phones win here as well simply by providing screen rotating option. On the basis of personal experience, we mostly rotate the mobile screens when playing a game or browsing the web.

While the number of mobile users is increasing, it is highly important for eCommerce businesses to adapt to changing global trends. Mobile users may switch to another online store if the first one fails to hold their attention. So what makes a mobile store gripping enough? Here, we have customization tips for your online shop that will not only keep the customers active on your shop but will also take them smoothly and efficiently to checkout. We are sure that you are already aware of the fact that more than 67% of the visitors leave their shopping processes incomplete without checking out due to reasons like too long checkout process, too many forms to fill, unreliable shipping and return policies, and others.

1.    Create Your Own Mobile Store App

Introducing your own mobile store app comes with countless benefits, most of which relate to boosting your mobile user sales up to 300%. No matter if you have a small, medium, or large business, a mobile store app is an inexpensive solution to earn the following benefits.

  • It boosts the interest of customers as it serves the true purpose of one-stop-shop for them.
  • It keeps the customers engaged by sending them offers and seasonal sales and keeps them updated about new arrivals.
  • Make irresistible offers that bring them to your store. Send notifications of offers through your mobile app. Groupon practices this benefit.
  • Mobile apps provide support to the users, making your business more reliable and secure for them.
  • It offers ease, clarity and sales efficiency without waiting for the users to visit your online store. It is like a direct link which allows both ends to knock at each other’s doors.

2.    Increase the Number of Products in Landing Pages

People are converting their websites to one page designs for meeting the requirements of the majority i.e. mobile users. Most of the people prefer webpages which reveal information while scrolling down. Opening up new pages or tabs is definitely not a mobile user’s priority. If your online store shows 30 products in one page, then increase it to 50 or more along with clearing the clutter. Another way is to allow the customer to choose the number of products to be shown in each page while opening the website or at the end of the page.

A great way is to customize the number of products according to screen size while keep loading new products when the visitor scrolls down. For example, customize it to show only 15 products on a mobile screen. When the customer scrolls down after 15 products, new products will be automatically uploaded without opening a new page whereas the products which are scrolled up will be discarded from the page. It will help you maintain the speed of your website. When the customer scrolls up again, old products will be uploaded again, and products which were revealed when scrolled down, will be discarded. The process will continue showing the complete website as a one-page design of hundreds of products. At the backend, we have tens of pages.

3.    Invest in PPP – Professional Product Photography

Professional product photography is one of the strongest tools to sell your products. Most of the online stores choose to show the product only with white background. This had been a good tactic for the rising era of mobile phones. But today, we have high screen resolution mobile phones with unlimited zooming at just 2 taps on the screen. Here are some tips to improve your product photography.

  • Choose an exquisite background, like we do for magazines, billboards and TVCs.
  • Hire an attractive and friendly model. Don’t cut out the face even if the product is shoes.
  • Prefer color boosters on exposure creators when editing the photographs.
  • Give traditional product photos with white background. Keep the model and product photo on default and detailed product photos on choice per click.

4.    Display Product Availability and Notice of Availability

Mobile users are time-savers who definitely don’t want to waste time on a product that is not available on your store at the moment. Show product availability tab in front of the product. If product is not available at the moment, then add tabs of ‘Not Available’ and ‘Notify Me When Available’ for the ease of your customers.

5.    Add Same Screen Quick Preview Option

As mobile users hate opening new tabs and closing them, well this too is personal experience, therefore adding same screen quick preview option will save you a fortune. It is a technique in which product picture opens on full screen of mobile phone without opening a new tab. The users click the cross sign to close the preview and get back to scroll up or down the products where they left. Here is another tip for you. Show preview album of products on the bottom of the main preview. This will allow the user to view product from different angles.

6.    Include Policy Tab on Top of the Screen

For desktop computer designs, it is ideal to keep the policy tab on the bottom of the screen. However, for users of mobile phones it is ideal to include the policy tab on top of the screen, somewhere close to checkout option. This tip is used to answer the most important concerns of visitors and customers including purchase policy, return policy, shipping policy, exchange policy, broken or damaged product policy and others.

7.    Make Separate Category for ‘Everything’

There are two types of online store visitors. The first category is of those who just want to kill time or buy something if it ‘clicks’. The second type is of users who want to purchase specific products and these people make up your real customer base. Your first priority should be to make things easier for real customers. Therefore, make separate categories for everything. For example, you may put crop tops, button tops and tank tops in the category of tops but you may not put shrugs, buleros, wraps and ponchos in this category.

8.    Accessorize the Models

This tip is to persuade the users to purchase your products. Accessorizing the model includes creating a perception that how the customers would look after using that product. For example, if it is a men’s watch, then accessorize the model with a smart hairdo and corporate style suit. If it is a women’s eyeliner then don’t skip on the model’s hairdo, eye makeup and bold lipstick to make a statement. Purses and belts are good accessories for each other.

9.    Customize Shopping to Take Users to Checkout – Improving Conversions

Now that you have equipped your online store with all important tools and tips, this is the time to prevent that 67% of visitors from checking out without completing the shopping process i.e. improving conversions.

  • Clearly confirm that the product has been added to the shopping cart without disturbing the shopping process of customer. A small pop-up confirmation is enough for customer satisfaction.
  • Allow users to continue shopping from checkout page.
  • Give an option/tab of ‘Transfer to Cart Page’ so that the user can click on it and complete the shopping process.
  • Give an option of ‘Show Shopping Cart’ while the user is still shopping so that they can track their bill.
  • Allow them to remove products from the cart.
  • Include security seals.
  • Provide numerous payment options.
  • Don’t ask them to create account or enter addresses before checking out. Ask about these details after checkout.

You can further boost your sales through mobile phones simply by sending a Thank You greeting card to the customers. Above all, remember that testing is the most successful rule for doing any type of business. Keep testing your skills and users and improve ROI with successful tests.